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We are excited to talk with you about finding your future school home. We love giving tours, which you can schedule here. We will also have an Open House and other parent education events throughout the year. Sign up for email here. Please reach out to us with any questions. We can't wait to meet you!


Sharon Ray
Director of Admission


Lindsey Hughes 
Admission Coordinator 

If You Could Imagine a School…where education begins in wonder.

Where Scripture and Christ are central. Where each student is known, loved, and discipled by teachers who love them and desire their growth in Christ.

Imagine a school where art sparks the imagination and inspires students to live thoughtful, virtuous lives, and where athletics showcase character through training and competition.

This is Westminster Academy – Memphis’s only JK- 12 classical Christian school.

At Westminster, our students use all of their senses in their discovery of the richness of God’s provision. Students experience the winds of spring by flying kites and hearing blustery poetry. They appreciate the smells of fall by taking nature walks and cooking apple tarts.

Students experience their own lives as a story, and so it is on the foundation of the familiarity of story that we build. Students learn color theory in a story of dancing mice and strengthen their knowledge by making their own fingers dance through paints. Bible stories serve as the foundation for discussing classroom rules, making friends, and serving our families. Learning through story develops a habit of learning by metaphor, a foundational tool in the classical toolbox.

What Is Classical Christian Education?

Classical Christian schools use the children’s God-given strengths at each stage of growth to help them learn; young children enjoy memorizing, singing, and rhymes, so a solid foundation is laid in each subject of study at this age; junior high students are inquisitive, so we develop their ability to reason and discern truth; high school students want to talk, so we teach them how to present their ideas persuasively. The result is a graduate who knows what they believe and why, and can positively impact their surrounding community. Classical Christian schools teach all subjects based on the principle that God is the Creator of all that exists, and therefore all knowledge is interrelated and points back to Him. Biblical standards of conduct are applied in all arenas of school life, acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. 

Education is primarily about what we are trained to love, not just what we are taught to know.

Who Is Westminster Academy?

Our History

In 1996 six couples from five different churches in the Memphis area founded Westminster Academy. We met the rigorous standards for accreditation by The Association of Classical & Christian Schools in 2002. We are currently a member of the Association of Classical & Christian Schools and the Society for Classical Learning. As the school prepares to enter its fourth decade, we continue to live out our mission and vision for classical Christian education in Memphis, TN.  

Founding Principles

Westminster Academy's foremost conviction is that parents are responsible for the education of their children. Therefore, parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in the daily life of the school. This understanding goes beyond the concept of volunteering . . . we have an open door policy; parents are welcome to sit in on any class, at any time, for any reason.

Westminster Academy is a community of parents and teachers who share a commitment for teaching children to love learning and grow in godliness. Smaller class sizes ensure that teachers know their students and are better able to serve them individually. Students know they are loved and not just another face in the crowd while openly manifesting deep appreciation and respect for their parents and teachers.

Our Mission

Westminster Academy offers parents a tool for teaching their children to reason, discern, and apply truth by way of Scripture and the classical liberal arts.

We desire that children see all learning as under the authority of Christ, seeking to integrate all subjects together in forming a comprehensive biblical worldview.

Read our entire vision statement here.

What Is the Process to Apply?

Don't be overwhelmed! Our admission office will walk you through this process step-by-step. Here is an overview of the process:

  • Submit application with $75 application fee
  • Schedule assessment
  • Submit teacher recommendations, records release, writing sample
  • Schedule shadow day
  • Apply for tuition assistance (if necessary)

Have Questions?

We believe that Westminster offers a unique curriculum and close-knit community unlike any other found in the Memphis area. Our admission process seeks to identify families who share our passion for the classical Christian pedagogy and students who will thrive in our educational model and live joyfully and humbly in Christian community.  The best way to gain an understanding of what a classical Christian education truly means is to see it in action, schedule a tour today! 



Can My Family Afford This?

We recognize that an independent school education is a financial sacrifice. At Westminster, nearly 40% of our families receive some level of financial assistance. Additionally, Westminster Academy is now accepting TN ESA vouchers, which helps certain families afford private school tuition for their children. We would be delighted to discuss these options with you.


JK- Kindergarten

Included: Field trips, Literature Books, Workbooks & Classroom Supplies


1st-5th Grade

Included: Field trips, Literature Books, Workbooks & Assignment Notebooks, History cards, Flash cards, Bible


6th-12th Grade

Included: Feasts and Field Trips, 10 day Senior Capstone Trip to Italy, 10th Grade Overnight Trip to Arkansas, 8th Grade Trip to D.C., Protocol Ball, 6th grade Retreat, Art Supplies, House Fee, Upper School Literature Selections

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